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Coaching Corner: Tips for pro-active living

Coaching Corner: Tips for pro-active living

Feb 22, 2013

By Marilou Butcher Roth

The first and most important part of this is not to push against these thoughts/beliefs when they arise. Notice the thought; notice how you are feeling. So, if your thought of I'm not good enough comes to your awareness, tune into what emotion is also there for you ” are you feeling angry, scared, sad, for example. Be present with whatever you are experiencing; take full, deep breaths into that feeling until you have more of a sense of neutrality. Once you reach this place, identify what thought/belief you do want. Using the above example, it might be I unconditionally love myself, or I fully accept who I am. Choose the words that generate a good feeling within you.

If you want to take it a step further, use that statement as an affirmation. In working with affirmations, it is so important that the feeling you desire comes with the words. Just saying words without having the good feeling with it is non-productive. You can use affirmations by saying them out loud or by writing them.

There are countless ways to create a more pro-active life, some of which you may already be incorporating. I suggest bringing more awareness to how you might like to experience this within your life. You might consider meditation or journaling as options. You may find inspirational books or articles to read. Find something that you enjoy ” even beginning your morning with a word that reflects your intention for the day. Perhaps or might work for you. Once you decide how you want to experience your day, see if you can capture the feeling of that. It takes very little time and has tremendous impact!

I would love to hear from you on topics that you would find most helpful to you. Either post a comment or contact me directly!

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