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Coaching Corner: Handling disappointment

Coaching Corner: Handling disappointment

Oct 12, 2012

By Marilou Butcher Roth

I am disappointed, my husband is disappointed and my sons are most definitely disappointed, and life goes on. There is a large degree of certainty that their loss is not about me. And, as usual, this situation has created some thoughts.

How do you handle disappointment? Do you find yourself blaming someone or something else when you are in a situation that you don't like? When a deal goes down, do you blame the other agent, or perhaps the loan officer, or even your own clients. Let's face it stuff happens — it happens to all of us at some point in our lives.

The key is how we respond to these disappointments. This is one of those times where living pro-actively will help you considerably. If you are living your life from a place of integrity and authenticity, you will weather the storms of life much easier.

So here it's Thursday, the Reds lost and I am disappointed. And now, I am off to cook a yummy dinner!

Marilou Butcher Roth

Marilou Butcher Roth

Marilou Butcher Roth is the owner of The MBR Group, a coaching and training company working primarily with REALTORS who have a desire to work and live from a more inspired place. She is also the Broker/Owner of Group REALTORS in Cincinnati.

Marilou is a member of the Ohio REALTORS Board of Directors and past chairman of the organization’s Communications Committee.

Contact Marilou at  to see if coaching is right for you.

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