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Coaching Corner: How Flexible Are You?

Sep 30, 2021

by Marilou Butcher Roth, Master Coach

Times are interesting right now, without a doubt. Events are being cancelled, times changing--at least in my world, requiring a fair amount of agility on my part. Sometimes it seems relatively easy to go with the flow at hand, and yet other times, these changes are challenging.

Some of these changes can be small and others quite large. Here’s one that threw me just a bit. Recently, I was told that my grandchildren are no longer learning cursive, or very little--they all print now. So, in being a bit slow on the uptake, I asked my 13 year old grandson if he has been able to read my writing that I lovingly put into his birthday cards, etc. “Not really,” he replied. “I can make out some of it and I get my dad to help me with the rest!” What? Even though I knew he printed, it didn’t dawn on me that he couldn’t read cursive! Now that’s a change. From now on, all of my loving words will be printed!

This is just one example. Where in your life are you being called to be flexible? Where are you needing to adapt to a new way of thinking, or just to adjust to changing dates? Do you find yourself digging your heels in or moving like the tree limbs on a windy day?

This week, pay attention to how you are responding to change and if your response is not to your liking, change that!

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