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Coaching Corner: Pulling Off The Holiday Miracle!

Coaching Corner: Pulling Off The Holiday Miracle!

Dec 8, 2023

By Master Coach Marilou Butcher Roth

Pulling Off The Holiday Miracle!

Well, its here, the holiday season is upon us, which is exciting for some and dreaded for others.  In our home we celebrate both Christmas and Hannukah which can create some angst if we do not maintain throughout this time.  Several of my clients have already expressed dismay at their “to do” list, anguishing over their perceived lack of time and energy.  Where are you with all of this?  Are you looking forward to these times or hoping to skip December all together.  Trust me, there are people in both camps.

It is so easy to get caught up in the preparations and finding yourself exhausted and frustrated.  What about you?  Have you considered the possibility that now is exactly the time to ramp up your own self-care?  Are you creating some quiet time for yourself amidst the hubbub?  Don’t scowl at me, it is entirely possible. 

Take yourself back to what these holidays are about for you ~ it’s different for everyone.  For some, it is based upon their religious beliefs, and for others, the priority is spending quality with those that we cherish, or it might be something entirely different.  Perhaps it's all about the food, which of course is always a highlight.  Whatever that is for you, remember it, it is your “why”.  Notice how your thoughts shift when you do this, and also notice when those nasty little “shoulds” come creeping in.

As you move through this time, take time to remember your why and find minutes that you can focus only on your own well being.  Make this a time to create new memories!

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