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Coaching Corner: Just do it? Maybe not!

Coaching Corner: Just do it? Maybe not!

May 16, 2014

By Marilou Butcher Roth

Everyone finds themselves from time to time in a position where action eludes us. We look with envy at those that seemingly breeze through to the hypothetical finish line, adding more fuel to our own self loathing. So, why don't we do what we set our intentions to do?

One of the first places I would like you to search for this answer is in asking yourself if this action or goal is truly important to you. Why is it important? How will you feel if you get it? Sometimes we decide we “should” or “need” to do something, and it may be that it is contrary to our deepest desires.

So...let's assume that you feel totally good about moving forward with a specific action. Now ask yourself if there is anyway that the action(s) can be broken down into smaller bits. For example, recently I added Yoga to my morning routine. I have a complete “Yes” on this new morning activity, however, doing the entire piece is about 20 minutes longer than I typically spend in the morning. What I have done is to just do the first, second and third poses each morning and then proceed with more if I feel I have time. I am slowly adjusting my schedule to accommodate this new desired part of my mornings.

Or, perhaps, you need to clean your office but feel overwhelmed each time you even think about it! Break it down -- one drawer today and then another assigned day you can add another piece to this progressive task.

We often make things so much more difficult than necessary. Keep it simple!

Marilou Butcher Roth

Marilou Butcher Roth

Marilou Butcher Roth is the owner of The MBR Group, a coaching and training company working primarily with REALTORS who have a desire to work and live from a more inspired place. She is also the Broker/Owner of Group REALTORS in Cincinnati.

Marilou is a member of the Ohio REALTORS Board of Directors and past chairman of the organization’s Communications Committee.

Contact Marilou at  to see if coaching is right for you.

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