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Coaching Corner: More vs. better

Coaching Corner: More vs. better

Sep 12, 2014

By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth

Having just returned from OAR's Annual Convention in Cleveland, I am going through all of my notes, capturing items that I want to make sure to retain and pass on. If you were in attendance at this convention, I am sure you share the feeling of how great it was -- all of it! We had amazing speakers, classes and meetings. It was a vibrant, valuable time for Ohio REALTORS to come together to learn, share and enjoy!

One of the speakers that stood out to me was Chris Smith who co-authored a book called “peoplework.” He made many valuable points; one that I especially loved was about quality vs. quantity. He pointed out how some REALTORS strive for as many leads as possible, sometimes not taking the necessary time with current and past clients, forgetting that “every customer is a lifetime relationship.” Now that might not be you, so please don't take this personally. It does raise our attention as to how we are servicing our clients though, doesn't it?

More is not always better! This statement can be interpreted in other ways as well. If we are constantly striving for more material items it can become challenging to appreciate what we have. This is not an uncommon societal belief, and, you can readjust your thinking to find pleasure and appreciation in what you do have, be it a material item or a client.

This week, put your attention on quality -- in all parts of your life. Notice where you are falling into the “more is better” trap and ask yourself if in each situation if more really is better. Create added and memorable value for your current clients. In terms of leads, make sure they are good leads for you -- someone that you know you can and are willing to help. You may want to go through your leads and make sure that every lead you have in your system is a viable lead. It's a similar experience to eliminating clutter!

Ah, feels great doesn't it? Enjoy!

Marilou Butcher Roth

Marilou Butcher Roth

Marilou Butcher Roth is the owner of The MBR Group, a coaching and training company working primarily with REALTORS who have a desire to work and live from a more inspired place. She is also the Broker/Owner of Group REALTORS in Cincinnati.

Marilou is a member of the Ohio REALTORS Board of Directors and past chairman of the organization’s Communications Committee.

Contact Marilou at  to see if coaching is right for you.

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