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Coaching Corner: Friday the 13th!!!!!!!!

Coaching Corner: Friday the 13th!!!!!!!!

Feb 13, 2015

By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth

Yes it is Friday the 13th! The day of bad luck if you believe old stories. Luck -- what does that mean? According to my most accessible dictionary luck is defined as success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.

So, how would you like things to go for you? Are you relying on luck, or are you taking actions that will progress your business and your life in the direction that you would like it to go? I remember once when a friend of mine commented on the continual failure of another one of our friends relationships. One after another of her relationships would go south soon after beginning. Bad luck my friend would comment. And again, yes, she certainly has bad luck when it comes to men. Really? Bad luck? That's why she has a seemingly never ending stream of failures? Seems to me she might just have something to do with that since she is the commonality of these failed mergers!

Sometimes I feel that we use luck, either good or bad, as a way to not take healthy responsibility for what is occurring in our lives. We then become "at the effect" of external situations (good or bad). Where does that then leave us? Powerless is the correct answer!

Today I would like you to embrace whatever beliefs you may be carrying around the idea of luck. Bring them to your awareness and admit that you have them. Then, decide how you want your life to be and what needs to happen to get yourself in that direction. Then..go walk under a ladder!!! :)


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