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Coaching Corner: Make your list!

Coaching Corner: Make your list!

Nov 13, 2015

By "Coach" Marilou Butcher Roth

It is hard to imagine that we are rapidly approaching the end of the year! Is it my imagination, or is time moving quicker than it used to? Remember when you were much younger and the thought of getting close to the holidays would generate excitement beyond words! Perhaps your parents would even invite you to make your list for gift ideas. Well, today, we are looking at a different type of list. As the end of this year is coming quickly, I would like you to think about what actions need to be taken to finish off your year in a way that allows you to feel complete. The idea is to move gracefully into 2016 without dragging the tin cans of 2015 behind you, clanging all the way!

Those of you who have followed "Coaching Corner" posts on the Buzz for a while, have read similar words from me when it gets to be close to year end. It is a yearly activity that I feel warrants a reminder each and every year. So, let's get to it! Get that list ready! Think about your business life and your personal life -- what needs to happen for you to complete the year 2015?

Do you need to organize your files? Or perhaps, finally clarify a plan for finding new business? Are there closets that bring fear to you and your family? Maybe you have been putting off getting a much needed new car. We often chant the well known mantra of I don't have enough time, sometimes without even realizing it. Trust me, you do have enough time, you may have just gotten yourself into a feeling of overwhelm which stops most of us in our tracks!

Decide what these items are -- write them down -- decide which items hold the most importance -- break them down into small, manageable steps -- carve out small (or large) periods of time during your day to accomplish these items. Finish your year with a sense of relief, not because the nightmare of 2015 is over, but because you have created a clean, clear space to move into next year! ..


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