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Ohio Market Watch: All-cash home purchases decrease slightly

Ohio Market Watch: All-cash home purchases decrease slightly

Nov 5, 2018

By Greg Stitz, Ohio REALTORS Director of Research

After realizing a 13 percent increase in all-cash home purchases from 2015 (35 percent) to 2017 (48 percent) respondents to a recent Ohio REALTORS housing market confidence survey are reporting a slight 4 percent decline (44 percent). Additionally, 47 percent of respondents observe no change in all-cash purchases over the past year and nine percent indicate a decline.

Survey results are based on responses to a monthly survey, designed to capture the effects of the existing economic conditions and trends on the real estate industry, sent to a pool of 1,500 Ohio REALTORS participants. Click here to participate in future Ohio REALTORS Housing Confidence Surveys.

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